The Devil's Payback is a suspense thriller that Amazon published in January 2023. The plot involves an attempt to prevent a mass murder in San Francisco in 1971. The three principal protagonists are two women and a man. As is true in all of my novels, the story focuses on both the plot and the characters, principal and secondary, and how they and their relationships change as the story unfolds.
The first review on the novel's Amazon site reads as follows: "This new author knows how to pull readers into his story with well-written characters, exciting realistic action scenes, expertly doled out tidbits of information. Halfway through "The Devil's Payback" I almost stayed up all night to finish it, as I really wanted to know what was going to happen to the three main characters, two women and a man. Each one is likable, resilient, creative. Together, they work equally through many issues and challenges, proving worthy of our admiration. I encourage you to read and be entertained by 'The Devil's Payback.'"